

This presentation has got to be the funniest TED talk (if not, please provide a link in the comments).

But this of course is just a bonus point, because as most (or all) TED talks, this one's very insightful.

This is a talk by Sir Ken Robinson (wkp), about creativity, particularly how our typical school systems undermine most of the innate creativity children have.

"(...) the whole purpose of public education, throughout the world, is to produce university professors"

He goes on to say (after a few good jokes about university professors) why this is so. It appears that that our public education in a whole is centered about the idea of academicability. I still have to sleep on that for a while, but maybe this is one of those cases where something is too obvious to be noticed.

It was around the 19th century that public education was "invented (...) to meet the needs of industrialism". He goes on with other interesting insights, but there's enough spoilers from me for now.

On a related video, another good tip for those of you who like to think about creativity. Here's Amy Tan (wkp).

Of course, I still want to know what Creativity *really* is, which always brings me to what the hell Intelligence realy is. A friend of mine is now completely obsessed with AGI, and thanks to a tip I gave him from a Scientific American podcast, Singularity (wkp), so probably in a while I'll have some insights from him about these interesting topics.

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